Let’s Talk H2O: Health Benefits Of Drinking Filtered Water

Drinking filtered water has become quite popular during recent years here in Australia, as we have developed a mindset that is a lot more health-conscious. It is safe to say that we all strive to be as healthy as we can be, both mentally and physically.

When you live a healthy and active lifestyle, you feel like the best version of yourself. Staying properly hydrated and nourished throughout the day is all part of that, and it is particularly important for growing children and adolescents.

Drinking enough water is imperative, but even more so when the water that you consume is properly filtered and clean. Here are some of the health benefits that come from drinking filtered water:

1. Filtration Of Chemicals, Bacteria & Contaminants.

Water filters remove chlorine and its byproducts from your drinking water, as well as other potentially harmful contaminants such as arsenic and aluminum. It also filters out bacteria like cryptosporidium and giardia, which makes the water significantly better for your overall gastrointestinal health.

2. Promotes The Absorption Of Vital Nutrients.

Filtered water assists in speeding up the metabolism, a function that is essential for our digestion and the overall functioning of our bodies. It has been noted that families with access to properly filtered water in their homes have consumed a substantially greater amount of water, which brings along a wealth of health benefits. If you are looking to lose weight, a fast and properly functioning metabolism will make it a lot easier to do so.

3. Improves Overall Skin, Nail & Hair Health.

When drank insufficient daily quantities, filtered water is one of the best ways to improve the hydration and suppleness of your skin, hair and nails. Beauty does truly start from within, ensuring that you are properly nourishing and hydrating your body will leave you looking radiant!

4. Detoxification.

Drinking filtered water can help to detoxify your body, this is especially important due to the amounts of chemicals and toxins we ingest through junk food and sugars. It also helps us to maintain a healthy and balanced pH in our bodies, neutralizing the acids we consume, as filtered water is alkaline in nature. Water filters will remove a lot of chemicals and contaminants from the water, leaving behind and preserving the healthy mineral deposits that are essential for our health.

5. Increase In Daily Water Consumption.

Having a filtered water system in your home encourages increased water consumption. The human body requires between 2 and 3 litres of water a day (sugary soft drinks don’t count!), studies have shown that we are less inclined to drink as much water when it is tasteless or has a bad odour to it.

Drinking enough water helps to enhance brain functioning, as 80% of our brains are made up of water. When the brain becomes dehydrated, this can lead to headaches, fatigue, and lapses in memory. A properly hydrated brain improves concentration, memory, and balance.

Staying hydrated also improves dental health; brain and spinal cord protection; better blood flow; it keeps the kidney functioning properly; and improves your overall mood.

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